Eat, drink, and enjoy the game

Finding a venue to watch your favorite sports team on TV has never been easier!

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Find Your Game

Find venues that will be airing your game - search by sport or conference, professional or college - it's all there..

Discover New Venues

With so many choices for where to watch the game, you can find the perfect place to enjoy great food and have a good time.

Game Schedules

Search the app and schedule the game time that works best for you.


Find accurate listings of your games, verified by other users - know what's playing, when and where.

Places to watch the game.

Team Collide is a crowd-sourced local sports streaming businesses review plus social networking app. The app has pages devoted to individual locations such as sports bars and restaurants. This makes it easy for users to find a place to watch their favorite team in action. Team Collide users can submit a review of their streaming services as well as their products. This helps others make informed decisions about where to go to watch their favorite team.


Start cheering on your team with your friends.

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